A half a year on in the Kingdom

So the title is a bit of a fib, we are more than a year and a half into our new life in Saudi, and so far so good. Firstly I'd like to answer some of the questions posed by my former self upon arriving in the country.

  • A) Yes, it is quite hot here and predicted to get even hotter (which is going to fun).
  • B) It is arid, but there are areas that look lush and beautiful (I have yet to see them in the flesh).
  • C) It does, in fact, rain here (and snow in the mountain regions) and like Australia when it rains, it rains!!
  • D) Yes, David, there are camels in this country, I have laid eyes on some.
  • E) Yes, there is quite a bit of (opulent) wealth here, and yes there is quite a bit of poverty also.
  • F) Saudi's are a very religious people, but they are quite far removed from the stereotyped portrayal by the Western media.
  • G) Their driving can be erratic, and the majority do speed, like any other country I suppose. 

A few more observations to add to the list, as I've said before, everyday Saudi people are the nicest most caring and thoughtful people you can meet. Sure like anywhere else you get the bad egg, but they are very much in the minority. How they look after each other, and their families and the deep connections between their families is a lot better than the Western standard. 'Saudi time' can take a bit of getting used to but Insha'Allah I'm getting used to it. In fact, it reminds me a lot of Ireland not too long ago.

The tribal history here is fascinating, the various differences between them, rivalries and bonds etc. An expression you often hear here is "oh he's from.... tribe they are like that," "he comes from there," "their people are...". I have yet to experience the authentic Saudi experience, whatever that is, but there's plenty of time for that. Plus I am only mad to do a road trip here, my preconceived notions of the Saudi landscape (aka sure it's all desert) were quite far off the mark.

It is also very hard to describe the place to outsiders. A lot of non-visitors already have their set in stone having never stepped foot there/will never step foot that country-view of Saudi Arabia and their people. In fairness, it's easy to be ignorant but to accept a view that challenges your 'concrete' beliefs is somewhat more daunting. My idea of the geography and history of the place is ever evolving. There is so much of this place that I knew nothing about, or in turn, was willing never to learn about. I was easily in the "sure, isn't it all the same out there?" camp before I came out here.

All in all, I am looking forward to exploring this place I now call home. I must check in again in six months to see how much has changed.

Ma'a Salama.


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