My country, Ireland
One thing in life that makes me quite happy is the fact that I was born and bred in Ireland, I am Irish. Seeing as I am now living the continued life of an ex-pat, my sense of "Irishness" has increased or, at least, I have become more aware of it as the days tick by, the same happened me in Australia. It's definitely a case of you don't miss it until it's gone.
Recent events continue to stir my patriotic enthusiasm, be it the national team doing so well in the Cricket World Cup, the rugby team beating the old enemy and in prime contention to win the triple crown, Grand Slam and six nations, could it be this video I recently stumbled across? The video below is a stunning testament to a 'secret' so many knew before me, and one I am starting to slowly realize every time I get back home, I come from a great little country! However, like anything there two sides to every story as you can read about here.
Atlantic Light from Peter Cox on >Vimeo.
#Éirinn go Brách
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